Individual Health Insurance :

Health / Mediclaim Insurance taken by an individual person to protect the financial loss arising out of Hospitalization expenses.

Group Health Insurance Policy

Group health insurance plans are suitable for any group of similar practice people / employer-employee relationship Or any Trust having common objective.

Individual Accident Insurance Policy

Individual Accident Insurance Policy is useful for all individuals, Accident policy gives cover against any financial instability due to any injury leads to:

  1. Permanent Partial Disability
  2. Permanent Temporary Disablement
  3. Permanent Total Disablement
  4. Total Temporary Disablement

It is beneficial to take all above covers while selecting accidental insurance plans on annual basis.

Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy

Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy is useful for all corporate/trusts Or social bodies against accidental expenses. Group Accident Policy not only gives financial support to Insured company Or group but also gives cover against any financial instability to individual due to any injury leads to:

  1. Permanent Partial Disability
  2. Permanent Temporary Disablement
  3. Permanent Total Disablement
  4. Total Temporary Disablement
  5. Weekly compensation / Salary Loss

It is beneficial to take all above covers while selecting accidental insurance plans on annual basis.